Nature, Climate Change, and God’s Faithfulness

Notwithstanding the constant drumbeat of climate change “doubters” in the U.S. government today, there is overwhelming evidence that climate change and the effects of global warming are not...

Niebuhr in Asia: Christianity and Culture

When we speak of ‘culture’, what do we mean? It is a notoriously slippery term, especially so when an Australian is writing for an unseen global readership! Culture...

Faith and Culture

Many years ago, I met a group of Chinese Christians who do not believe in celebrating the Lunar New Year. The festival, in their view, has its roots...

Faith and Pestilence

On 31 December 2019, Wuhan, the largest metropolitan region in China’s Hubei province reported an outbreak of cases of people who have become ill with an inexplicable respiratory...

The Temptations of Ageing

One can start well in a race, but things can go wrong along the way, so much so that he may not even end the race. Or he...