No Christ, No Christmas 

Have you ever wondered what Christmas is without Christ? For Christians, Christmas holds a deep and dear meaning—it celebrates God’s gift of salvation for humanity gift-wrapped in the infant Jesus. For those who do not have God’s Word, they may never hear about this gift of salvation and new life, and thus miss the essence of Christmas.    

The Bible Mission takes different forms in different countries. In India, for example, we partner with orphanages and other organisations, providing not only Scriptures but also shoes, blankets and school supplies for the children. With the funds availed to us, we can bring hope to all peoples, like Deetha (name changed). Discriminated, abandoned, and abused since birth, Deetha found comfort and love through God’s Word. This is her story:  

“My father was a drunkard and used to trouble my mentally-retarded mother  

a lot. He was unhappy with my birth, and even threw me in hot water! But  

my grandmother saved me and brought me to Shalom Children’s Home when  

I was 8. I accepted the Lord Jesus as my personal Saviour and found comfort in  

Him. I praise God for all the wonderful things He is doing in my life.” 

As 2017 wanes, let us take a moment to thank God for His many blessings in our lives, and seek to do His Word.  It is stated in the Scripture that whoever brings blessing to others will be enriched. Flow your blessings to others today—for one who waters will himself be watered (Prov 11:25).  

Will you give generously, so that more lives like Deetha can be impacted and transformed through the Word of God? 

Make it happen. Moved to be a partner? You may mail us a cheque, made payable to The Bible Society of Singapore, using the enclosed response envelope to indicate your participation; or visit to partner with us in the Bible Mission. 

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