Israel-Jordan Through the Eyes of Spiritual Leaders

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to visit Israel-Jordan? What are some of the highlights of these places? We invite Rev Dr Peter Poon and Rev Dr Fong Mow Hee—both of which have served as Spiritual Leaders on various trips to the Bible Lands—to share some of their experiences.  

How many times have you been to Israel-Jordan? 

Rev Poon: As far as I can remember, I have been there no less than 18 times.  

Rev Fong: I have been there around seven times.  

What do you appreciate most about Israel-Jordan?  

Rev Poon: For me, it is a ministry. I find fulfilment in seeing participants developing a better understanding of the history, geography and culture, especially when they connect to the history and people of the Holy Land. They always return home with a renewed passion to study God’s Word. 

Rev Fong: Visiting Israel-Jordan helps one to move from the Old Testament to the New Testament, and deepen our appreciation of Scripture. This is especially so when one visits Israel—the land where Jesus lived. It is not only a personal experience but also a journey for our soul.  

Which site do you like most or find the most meaningful to you? 

Rev Poon: Every site has its own merits for meaning. I do not necessarily have a favourite. They are all spectacular and meaningful. 

Rev Fong: When it comes to the Holy Land, every site holds great meaning for me. If I had to pick one, it would be Mount Nebo, because of the events recorded in the Book of Deuteronomy. Before the Israelites entered the Promised Land, Moses reminded them to keep in mind God’s teachings and pass them on to the next generation.  

Besides leading tours to the Bible Lands, which countries would you like to visit in the near future? 

Rev Poon: Rome, Italy, Scotland, Geneva and Switzerland. 

Rev Fong: Currently, I would like to visit the lands that are related to the New Testament, such as Turkey, Greece and Rome.  

Any travel tips to share?  

Rev Poon: Be physically fit, mentally alert, and have hearts and minds open to look at and understand things from their historical and cultural perspective. Always seek out local foods and visit local markets, for that’s where one may better understand the locals. Be adventurous to try new things, even though they may be beyond one’s comfort zone.  

Rev Fong: In light of how well-developed our world is, visiting different countries is no longer a rare opportunity. I would highly encourage travellers to visit the Holy Lands to leave a profound impact on their faith. 

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