ETHOS Webinar 2020: God & Creation by Rev Dr Andrew Peh

The doctrine of creation is a central tenet of the Christian faith. It is found in the first pages of the Bible (Genesis 1:1-31) and enshrined in the ecumenical creeds of the Church, such as the Apostles’ and Nicene creeds. This conference will explore this doctrine as it is presented in Scripture and tradition. It will also examine the place of this doctrine in the Church’s theology and worship, and its significance for Christianity’s dialogue with the natural sciences and the current ecological crisis.

ETHOS Webinar 2020: God & Creation by Dr Lim K Tham
Speakers: Mr Isaac Wong, Dr Lim K Tham, Dr Robert Sears, Rev Dr Andrew Peh
Date: 3 Oct 2020
Time: 10am – 12.45pm
Venue: ZOOM

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