“For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.”—2 Corinthians 4:6
2023 marks an important milestone for the Bible Society as we celebrate our 200th anniversary of the Bible Mission in Singapore, having started in 1823 with the distribution of 1,000 Chinese New Testament Bibles. For the past 200 years, our Society has worked with our sister Bible Societies and evangelical communities regionally in pioneering the Bible Mission and advancing the Bible cause. Singapore has been the regional hub for Bible translation and printing projects since the 19th century.
Streams of Life (SOL) is a Regional Christian Media Agency that aims to inform, inspire and impact the wider Christian community in Singapore and beyond. SOL Media is a one-stop hub that provides holistic content, regional news, and media services on various digital platforms to its regional partners, such as churches, charities, and other like-minded organisations.
SOL Media is a division of International Bible Experiences (IBEx)—a ministry of The Bible Society of Singapore (BSS). SOL is the official media partner of the bicentennial celebration of the Bible Mission in Singapore commemorated by the Bible Society.
“In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”
—Acts 20:35
56-year-old Hoeun Thuch whose home was destroyed by a Cambodian flood shared: “This aid package gives me some temporary food. We are so grateful that you helped us and other families during this time of need and difficulties.”
“This project helped us to bless the churches and ministries who were trying to help the victims but also had their own practical needs. We were using our vehicles to deliver humanitarian aid and food, along with Scriptures. When the situation in Northern Ukraine improved, we travelled to the frontlines of Eastern Ukraine to deliver Bibles and aid to the military and civilians there. Huge thanks to everyone who helped to preserve the Bible work in Ukraine amidst the war!”
— Ukrainian Bible Society
Sri Lanka:
“The economic situation is not the same as earlier. And I would like to thank the Ceylon Bible Society and The Bible Society of Singapore for this great help and especially, would like to thank God for fulfilling our needs.”
— a three-wheeler driver in Sri Lanka
Your contributions to the Bible Mission have made a huge impact on the lives of so many. As the Bible Society commemorates the bicentennial of the Bible Mission in Singapore this year, this inspires us to persist in serving and reaching out to those in need of help.
To honour this momentous celebration, the Bible Society has set up a Bicentennial Bible Mission Fund, which will be channelled towards Bible translation, distribution, engagement and advocacy, and holistic ministries that involve humanitarian and charity causes to support our various future missions for the helpless and hopeless, especially the vulnerable, marginalised and poor communities locally and in the countries we support—Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Myanmar, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Ukraine, Turkey, Syria, and more.
Transforming the lives of many wouldn't have been possible without your fervent prayers, generous donation, participation, and volunteerism. However, the work is far from over as the needs are ongoing and there is still much work to do. On behalf of our beneficiaries, we urge you to channel your blessings through the Bicentennial Bible Mission Fund, so that many more can be reached with our humanitarian initiatives. Let us be motivated by a shared mission to bring grace and truth to more distressed countries and make a difference in more lives. To God be the glory!
Cheque donations can be addressed to: The Bible Society of Singapore, 7 Armenian Street, Bible House, Singapore 179932.
(At the back of the cheque, please indicate “BBMF")
For bank transfer, following are the details:
• Account Name: The Bible Society of Singapore
• Account Number: 581-834306-001
• Bank Name: OCBC
56岁的胡恩图奇(译名)的家被洪水摧毁,他分享:“这个 援助包暂时缓解了我的燃眉之急。非常感谢你们在这段需要和困难的时期帮助了我们和其他家庭。”
“这个项目使得我们成为本地教会和事工的祝福。他们试图 帮助灾民的同时,也有自己切实的需要。我们用车子载送人道救援物资和食品,也送出圣经。当乌克兰北部局势转好后,我们 也到东部前线,为军队和平民载送圣经和物资。衷心感谢在战争期间仍然持守乌克兰圣经事工的每一个人!”
“现在的经济状况和过去不一样了。 我要感谢锡兰圣经公会和新加坡圣经公会给予我们极大的帮助。尤其要感谢上帝满足了我们的需要。”
PayNow捐款,请用手机银行应用程序扫描PayNow二维码或输入圣经公会的UEN No.: S70SS0023A。请在备注栏中填写<您的姓名>和<BBMF> (圣经宣教200周年基金)。
邮寄支票捐款,支票可开付至 "The Bible Society of Singapore", 地址是 The Bible Society of Singapore, 7 Armenian Street, Bible House, Singapore 179932.
(请在支票背面注明 “BBMF”)
• 账户名称: The Bible Society of Singapore
• 账户号码: 581-834306-001
• 银行名称: OCBC